Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Dungeons and Drongos Episode 49: The Twisted Lighthouse Part 2!

In our of our most intense adventures yet, our party faces life-changing consequences in a twisted lighthouse built to appease a treacherous demon. Will all three make it out alive? It's Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia, blokes!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Dungeons and Drongos Episode 48: The Twisted Lighthouse Part 1

This week DM Luke is back at the helm as the party are summoned to investigate a mysterious lighthouse which may well drive them 'round the twist! Can they pass the trial of its dark architect, and what horrors await them if they fail... or succeed? It's Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia, mates!

Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)

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Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Dungeons and Drongos Episode 47: The Wrath of P!ss Eyed Don Part 2!

Guest Dungeon Master Suzanne (Aka McKenzie) wraps up her adventure this week as Wenzo, Plank and Gadai attempt to escape the mysterious horror-filled statue of P!ss Eyed Don and restore the magic to Floggerton! But does something even worse await them on the outside? It's Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia, cobbers!

Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)

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Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Dungeons and Drongos Episode 46: The Wrath of P!ss Eyed Don!

This week we begin a very special adventure led by guest DM Suzanne (aka McKenzie)! Plank, Gadai and manager Wenzo are forced into solving a mystery when an ominous statue appears in the mist. Will they successfully navigate the darkness and bring the magic back? It's Dungeons and Dragons set in Fantasy Australia, bloke!

Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)

SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week!

Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Dungeons and Drongos Episode 45: Phantom of the Keith Legend Memorial Jokebloke Theatre Part 2

This week the quest to save the Keith Legend Memorial Jokebloke theatre continues, as the party casts their acts and puts on the fundraising show to end all shows! But will the ghost of the Jokebloke spoil their plans? It's Dungeons and Drongos set in Fantasy Australia and it's great!

Download here! (click to stream, right-click to save)

SUBSCRIBE to us on iTunes - because we do this every week!

Please support our new show by rating/reviewing and sharing our content. And why not join the discussion in our friendly Facebook group!? Or even go hog wild by subscribing/supporting us on Patreon!